In the coming months [2018-2019] our goal is to duplicate all of our information and webpages we created under
We have had a good ride using Google’s Blogger platform. We accumulated well over a “quarter of a million” site visits just to our HOME page. We are/were well on our way to half a million.
Our information’s new home will be on our own server space and with our own Domain/Site name. We are moving off the Blogger platform and going out on our own using WordPress. This will allow us more flexibility to do custom modification, format things differently, and accumulate SEO rankings that belong to our own Domain.
Once turned up, our new home will be on
We are kind of disappointed we will drop in SEO rankings as soon as we move. In hindsight we should have made this decision the day we started TOPONAUTIC. But a few years of living and learning was the teacher on this subject. Wish us well!
Do you write or shoot photos professionally, as a hobby, or just a passion in your off time?
TOPONAUTIC actively seeks blog material from our readers and those wishing to publish outdoor related articles and photos. We have several outdoor related blogs. Publish with us, and use us as a reference to help or start your career. Or send your material just for the pleasure of seeing your work online? At the same time you will help us help others.
We have one specialty blog on “Backpacking Havasu Falls”. For that blog we need articles, photos, and videos specific to that area.
We currently strive to offer free content to our readers. With your support as a writer or photographer, you allow us to continue this service. Without your generous contributions we could not offer this service or even exist. All of our time and labor is donated.
We are not a group of professional writers or photographers, so don’t feel that you need to be. Those of you that are professional, we gladly accept and encourage your donations of writings and images. We give credit to authors and photographers of all levels. If requested we will not only include your name, but links to your website, email or other contact information.
We accept anything outdoor related such as trip or trail reports, travel destinations, hiking spots, and more.
We have a large following that is interested in Dutch Oven & Outdoor Cooking. We particularly enjoy recipes that are accompanied with photos of the food. These recipes will eventually be combined into a cook book and published. Those people submitting recipes will be offered a discounted first printing. We are currently exploring a version we can offer as an eBook to keep the cost low.
We also accept Outdoor related “Upcoming” events. Car Shows, Dutch Oven Cook-Offs, Chili Cook-offs, BBQ Events, Street Fairs, Rodeo’s, Farmer Markets, Charity Events, Fund Raisers, and more.
Contact us if you are interested in Commercial Ad space. First Month Free with no obligation to continue. No set up, or hidden fees.
Email material to with a statement stating you release the media for use by TOPONAUTIC. Photos with recognizable people must have a release from each person, and each identified in the photo. Contact us for release form.